Case Studies


The energy industry is becoming more innovative by the day — from how wells are drilled, to how those wells are produced, to how that product is refined and sent to market.

Our BLUESPARK® technology has far-reaching applications throughout the lifecycle of a well across the energy sector, including Hydrocarbon and Geothermal. Learn how Blue Spark Energy and our clients are part of the energy evolution.

NAM-IW-122 (Canada West)

Client data from the BLUESPARK® treated well showed over 20x increase in injection rate and 45% reduction in injection pressure. 6 months later this well injects between 60 to 90 bbl/d and pressure is at 4200 kPa.

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NAM-SR-119 (USA Permian)

The client ran back in the wellbore with tubing and discovered that the BLUESPARK® had created 11 feet of fill (in 7 inch casing). An analysis of the fill determined the presence of silica and clay, along with the BaSO4, confirming that the perf tunnels had been cleaned.

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